早期台灣原住民 樹皮畫 人物

早期台灣原住民 樹皮畫 人物 1965-1970
福爾摩沙這個佔地 13,380 平方英里的小島,人口 1,400 萬,其中山區居住著約 20 萬原住民。他們也被稱為山地人,由 9個部落組成。每個部落保留自己的藝術和文化。由於他們的語言、藝術和文化與南海民族有一些相似之處,人類學家聲稱他們起源於馬來/波利尼西亞。
這裡展示的樹皮壁紙是 100% 手工製作的樹皮,用從樹根中提取的樹液,通過數千年來的古老方法進行著色和染色。圖的設計來自複製福爾摩沙一些老家族的收藏而來。
Aborigines Bark Painting
Among a population of 14 millions in Formosa a small island of 13,380 sq. miles, there live about 200,000 Aborigines in the mountain regions. They are also known as the Mountain People and consist of 9 tribes. Each tribe
preserves its own art and Culture. As their languages, arts and cultures have some resemblance to those of the South-sea People, anthropologists claim their origin to the Malay/Polynesia.
Bark Wall-Paper presented here is 100% hand-made of bark of tree coloured and dyed with sap extracted from roots by old method initiated from their ancestors for thousands of years. Designs are copied from collections of some old families in Formosa.
No. 316
畫心尺寸約:74 X 105.2 CM